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2024 年 8 月 24 日

马来西亚吉隆坡,8 月 10 日2024 年 24 日 -- Agroforestry Group 欣喜的宣布,公司已经签署了一项合资协 议, 并在中国建立了首个办公室。位于广州的办公室将帮助加强Agroforestry Group的猫山王榴莲及其他农林业 务在中国的发展, 并由公司合资股东李桢领导。

这一具有里程碑意义的公告是Agroforestry Group在中国多年的持续规划和讨论战略联盟的进一步发展和结果,中国是世界最大的榴莲进口国。

Agroforestry Group 合资股东、中国区首席执行官李桢表示:“我很荣幸并很高兴能与Agroforestry Group合 作, Agroforestry Group 是马来西亚领先的猫山王榴莲私人种植公司之一,我们将共同提升公司在中国市场的 存在和机会。马来西亚猫山王榴莲在中国非常受欢迎,已成为一个极其可观的市场。将我对中国市场的了解与 Agroforestry Group的马来西亚猫山王榴莲种植结合起来,是一个令人兴奋的机会,我期待着发展。”

李桢曾在中国的央企和上市公司工作,包括阿里巴巴集团旗下的银泰百货和新浪微博。在2015年,他创立了 Alkey People Pictures,为比亚迪、美的和东芝等顶级品牌提供全球创意营销服务。他的丰富经验和广泛资源将 有助于Agroforestry Group在中国市场的扩展。

Agroforestry Group首席执行官保罗·马丁(Paul Martin)表示:“今天对Agroforestry Group来说是一个具有里 程碑意义的场合。这是我们在中国扩大影响力的巨大机会,紧随中国总理李强和马来西亚总理安瓦尔·易卜拉欣 最近宣布的新鲜猫山王榴莲出口到中国的批准。”

他补充说:“中国和马来西亚无疑都将从出口批准中获益匪浅,现在Agroforestry Group也将从合资协议的签署 中受益。我们在中国新办事处的开设使我们在两个市场中都处于有利地位。我们现在是少数几家在中国拥有在岸 业务并与马来西亚猫山王生产直接接触的榴莲公司之一。”

关于Agroforestry Group

Agroforestry Group成立于2015年,运用其三十年的私人林业管理经验,致力于榴莲和沉香种植、产品分销和销 售。作为一种资产类别,农业和林业在过去十年中因其绿色产业特点和长期高回报在全球迅速发展。
Agroforestry Group to Open Office in China, led
by its Joint Venture Partner, Mr. Li Zhen
August 24, 2024 (15.38 MYT)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Aug. 24, 2024 -- Agroforestry Group is excited to announce that it has signed a joint venture agreement to establish its first office in China. Located in Guangzhou the office will help strengthen Agroforestry Group’s Musang King durian and other agricultural businesses across China, and will be led by its Joint Venture Partner, Mr. Li Zhen.

This landmark announcement is the furtherance and result of years of on-going planning and discussions of a strategic alliance by Agroforestry Group in China, the world’s largest durian importer.

Mr. Li Zhen, Chief of Executive of Agroforestry Group China, said “I am honoured and delighted to be working with Agroforestry Group, one of Malaysia’s leading Musang King durian private plantation companies, to build their capabilities and enhance their presence and opportunities within China.

Malaysian Musang King durian is very popular in China and has become an extremely lucrative market. Combining my expertise in China with Agroforestry Group’s Malaysian Musang King durian production is an exciting opportunity that I look forward to developing “.

Mr. Li Zhen has worked in Chinese central enterprises and listed companies, including Yintai Department Store (Intime Department Store), a subsidiary of Alibaba Group, and Sina Weibo. In 2015, he founded Alkey People Pictures, providing global creative marketing services for top brands such as BYD, Midea, and Toshiba. He brings a wealth of experience and a large network of resources, which will help Agroforestry Group expand its business in China.

Mr. Paul Martin, Chief of Executive of Agroforestry Group, stated, “Today marks a landmark occasion for Agroforestry Group. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to expand our presence in China, hot on the heels of the recently announced approval of fresh Musang King durian exports to China by Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim. “

He added “China and Malaysia will unquestionably both benefit greatly from the approval of exports and now so will Agroforestry Group with the signing of this Joint Venture. The opening of our new office in China perfectly positions us in both markets. We are now one of the only durian companies that has an on-shore presence in China along with direct access to Malaysian Musang King production.”

About Agroforestry Group
Established in 2015, Agroforestry Group have applied their thirty years of private forestry management into the establishment and commercial development of durian and agarwood plantations, product distribution and sales. As an asset class, agriculture and forestry has expanded rapidly over the last decade due to interest from risk-averse private investors attracted by the green credentials of the industry and the long-term high returns of agroforestry.
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